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20 September 2025 (Sat) 7:30PM
2025年9月20日 (六) 晚上7時30分

Alliance Hall - Christian Alliance International School

Tickets 票價 : $1000(VIP)/ $480/ $280


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Mark HUI


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Chorus master


Esmond LIM


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Artistic director/ Tenor

藝術總監/ 男高音

Johnny CHAN


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Kelly LIEW Li Kien


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Caleb WOO





Resonance Chanters  共鳴基督徒詩班


Mark HUI 




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許榮臻在香港土生土長,自小學習鋼琴和小提琴。過去十年,許氏以首席指揮身份與香港節慶管弦樂團緊密合作,曾與多位享譽國際的獨奏家合作演出,包括小提琴家貝爾、大提琴家王健、鋼琴家李雲迪、HK Duo、黃家正、雙簧管演奏家及教育家姚桑琳教授、英皇合唱團等,廣獲好評。此外,許氏曾指揮香港小交響樂團、美國亞斯本節慶樂團及室內樂團、匈牙利布達福杜南意樂團、愛沙尼亞約菲小交響樂團、香港藝術節、香港大歌劇院、泛亞交響樂團等。2023年,許氏獲選為香港代表,參加第二屆香港國際指揮大賽。 許氏早年熱衷於樂團演奏,曾獲邀在多個著名的專業和節慶樂團中擔任首席和樂師,包括香港小交響樂團、亞洲青年交響樂團、德國石荷州節慶管弦樂團、荷蘭國家青年樂團、紐約弦樂團座談會、YouTube交響樂團及香港管弦樂團等,並曾與多位指揮大師合作演出,包括艾遜巴赫、迪信・湯馬士、迪華特、沙朗倫、霍內克、葉詠詩、柏鵬、馬連拿等等。這些經歷給許氏在指揮上有莫大啟發,也給他大量機會觀察和鑽研不同的排練技巧和風格。許氏曾受教於斯帕諾、巴孚•約菲、尼姆•約菲、伍爾夫、史拉健、豪勒龍和辜柏麟。 除了指揮,許氏也熱衷於演奏和音樂教育,除了擔任香港小交響樂團特約樂師,他亦以小提琴室樂演奏家和協作鋼琴家身份活躍於本地樂壇,同時擔任九龍塘宣道小學、香港華仁書院及協恩中學附屬小學樂團指揮,並任職香港大學兼職導師。 許氏畢業於香港演藝學院及曼克頓音樂學院,主修小提琴演奏,師承馬忠為教授、露茜•若貝爾(Lucie Robert)、蔡路及黃衛明。 Hong Kong-born conductor Mark Hui was first trained as a professional pianist and violinist. For the past ten years, he has worked closely with the Hong Kong Festival Orchestra as Principal Conductor and has led performances with renowned artists such as violinist Joshua Bell, cellist Jian Wang, pianists Yundi Li, HK Duo, KaJeng Wong, oboist Yiu Song-lam and The Kings’ Singers, as well as innovative concerts which received exciting enthusiasm and acclaim. In addition, Hui has conducted the Aspen Festival and Chamber Orchestra, Budafok Dohnányi Orchestra, Järvi Academy Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong Grand Opera and Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. In 2023, Hui was selected as the Hong Kong representative to participate in the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition. In his early years, Hui’s immense passion in playing in orchestras has gained him much experience as concertmaster and tutti player in prestigious professional and festival orchestras, including Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Asian Youth Orchestra, Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra, National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands, New York String Orchestra Seminar, YouTube Symphony Orchestra and Hong Kong Philharmonic, under the batons of the distinguished Christoph Eschenbach, Michael Tilson Thomas, Edo de Waart, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Manfred Honeck, Yip Wing-sie, Christoph Poppen, Neville Marriner and more. These experiences have inspired Hui enormously in conducting and given him precious opportunities to observe different rehearsal technique and styles. His major conducting mentors include Robert Spano, Paavo Järvi, Neeme Järvi, Hugh Wolff, Leonard Slatkin, Gábor Hollerung and Alan Cumberland. Besides conducting, Hui appears frequently on stage as a chamber violinist and collaborative pianist. He also plays with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta on a regular basis as a freelance violinist. As a devoted music educator, Hui serves as orchestra conductor at the Alliance Primary School Kowloon Tong, Wah Yan College Hong Kong and Heep Yunn Primary School. He also teaches at the Hong Kong University as part-time tutor. Hui graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Manhattan School of Music, majoring in Violin Performance under the tutelage of Prof. Michael Ma, Lucie Robert, Tsai Loo and Wong Wai-ming.

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Chorus master


Esmond LIM


林思漢,1980年生於香港,2021年按立為牧師。林氏分別於香港浸會大學音樂系及香港中文大學崇基神學院接受音樂及神學訓練。在聖樂事奉、合唱指揮、作曲、結他演奏及聲樂上,林氏受教於劉永生先生、陳國平博士、陳永生校長、楊文康先生、陳文官先生、梁思敏女士及杜志聰先生等。 林氏擅長古典及當代音樂分析及合唱音樂編寫,積極在創作中糅合不同的風格及素材,專注於廣東話聲樂作品之創作、編曲及演繹。多年來積極培訓指揮以協助本地教會聖樂發展,亦熱心推廣粵語聖樂,曾出版多首粵語聖樂作品,並持續鑽研廣東話合唱法。於神學方面,林氏醉心神學美學的理論,積極將神學與文化藝術結合於信仰群體之崇拜禮儀、靈性體驗、牧養及踐行之中。 林思漢現為基督教善樂堂主任牧師,除日常牧養教導工作外,也致力推動聖樂牧養,組織HeArtz 音樂事工,並支援大專聖樂牧養宣教仕。林氏亦為共鳴基督徒詩班藝術總監兼指揮,香港聖詩會事務發展委員會成員,屏采小組核心成員。 Esmond Lim Sze Hon, ordained as a pastor in 2021, obtained a Master of Divinity from Chung Chi Theological Seminary of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018, and a Master of Arts in Christian Studies in 2009. In 2005, he earned a Master of Music (Choral Conducting Concentration) from the Department of Music at Hong Kong Baptist University, and graduated with First Honors from the Music Bachelor’s Degree (majoring in Composition) in 2002. Esmond specializes in classical and contemporary music analysis, and he also focuses on composing and arranging choral music in various musical styles. Throughout the years, he has trained conductors of church choirs and has actively promoted Cantonese sacred music through various platforms. Esmond is particularly interested in theological aesthetics, and he consistently integrates theology, culture, and art into Christian worship, spiritual guidance, pastoral care, and faith practices. Currently, Esmond Lim serves as the Pastor of Senlok Christian Church and HeArtz Music Ministry. He is the Art Director and Conductor of Resonance-Chanter, a committee member of the Hong Kong Hymn Society, and one of the founders and conductors of MusiCall.

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Artistic director/ Tenor

藝術總監/ 男高音

Johnny CHAN


陳亦俊為兒科專科醫生,及香港大學兒童及青少年科學系榮譽臨床助理教授。陳氏曾師隨著名鋼琴家黃懿倫教授學習鋼琴,考獲英國倫敦聖三一學院LTCL鋼琴演奏文憑,並師隨著名歌唱家江樺女士學習聲樂,考獲英國倫敦聖三一學院LTCL演唱文憑。陳氏自中學期間已活躍於合唱團、樂隊和管絃樂團,他經常參與各項音樂比賽,在校際音樂比賽中屢獲佳績。於1997年隨音統處青年合唱團赴星馬表演。後負笈英國,於英國兩度舉行鋼琴獨奏會,並與英國 Brighton College樂團演奏葛尼格A小調鋼琴協奏曲,大獲好評。及後更於德國、奧地利作巡迴演出,並於1999年灌錄了首張鋼琴獨奏大碟 “Fantasia”。 陳氏於大學期間,活躍於中大合唱團及中大醫科生合唱團。畢業後,他與幾位歌唱好友組織並成立了清唱小組“The Quavers”,並加入了多個音樂團體,繼有香港歌劇社、香港歌劇團、江樺合唱團、香港醫學會合唱團、美聲重唱團、美聲合唱團、香港雅樂團等,於多個音樂會中擔任男高音獨唱。曾參與歌劇演出包括《仙鈪奇緣》、《參孫與達莉拉》、《魔笛》、《蝙蝠》、《羅密歐與茱麗葉》,並於《日本天王》及《孤星淚》中擔任男主角。陳氏於2010年與林綺蓮小姐舉行獨唱會,並於2014年應邀於美國著名卡內基音樂廳舉行獨唱音樂會。 陳氏積極參與音樂創作,曾應邀寫作母校紅磡官立小學校歌、樂城院牧事工《心的關懷2007感恩會》主題曲、瑪嘉烈醫院35週年院歌等。陳氏熱心參與基督教聖樂事奉工作,曾與著名鋼琴家羅乃新女士及林凱盈女士灌錄了首張聖詩鋼琴獨奏大碟。及後於2010年發行以關懷病人為題的聖詩原創大碟《願作人間雨》。並於2013年應邀擔任樂城院牧事工《心的關懷感恩會》音樂總監。 此外,陳氏積極参與並推廣基督教敬拜音樂與崇拜禮儀的發展,自2012年於joyful noise Xpress (jnX)音樂敬拜事工擔任敬拜隊歌手,及後成立 jnX 詩班並擔任詩班指揮,為 jnX音樂敬拜事工(香港)前主席。2022年完成美國韋柏崇拜研究學院祟拜學博士課程,並於2023年完成美國達拉斯神學院聖經研究碩士課程。曾應邀參與於香港聖公會靈風堂舉辦之心靈音樂會系列《從上而來的平安》、Ahm譜頌音樂事工舉辦之《馬太福音聖誕詠2022》及《約翰福音受難詠2023》、香港聖詩會舉辦之 2023年聖詩頌唱會,擔任男高音獨唱及領唱。陳氏曾應邀於多個教會舉辦敬拜音樂及崇拜禮儀工作坊,包括香港聖公會靈風堂、青衣基督教惠荃堂、播道會窩打老道山福音堂、救世軍宣教使命學院等。陳氏自2024年出任播道神學院崇拜學客席講師。 Dr. Johnny Chan is a Specialist in Paediatrics, and the Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. Having studied with the renowned pianist Professor Eleana Wong and operatic soprano Madam Ella Kiang, Chan has been awarded the LTCL performance diploma in both piano performance and vocal performance from the Trinity College of London. He has been actively involved in choir, band and orchestra as well as various music competitions with flying colors since he was in secondary school. After his music tour to Singapore and Malaysia with the Hong Kong Music Office Youth Choir in 1997, he furthered his secondary education in the United Kingdom, where he received high acclaims from his two piano recitals as well as his performance as piano soloist of the Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor with the Brighton College Orchestra. He made another music tour in Germany and Austria before he released his debut album “Fantasia” in 1999. During his university life, Chan was active in both the Chinese University Student Union Chorus and the Chinese University Medical Student Choir. He, a tenor singer, has co-founded the a capella group “The Quavers”, and participated in various organizations including The Opera Society of Hong Kong, Opera Hong Kong, Ella Kiang Singers, Hong Kong Medical Association Choir, Bel Canto Ensemble, Bel Canto Singers, and Hong Kong Chamber Choir. He has been involved in numerous operatic productions including “La Cenerentola”, “Samson and Delilah”, “Magic Flute”, “Die Fledermaus”, “Romeo and Juliet”, among which he played the key role of Nanki-poo in “Mikado” and Marius in “Les Misérables”. He made his debut vocal recital with Miss Eveline Lam in 2010, and was later invited to give his vocal recital at the famous Carnegie Hall in the United States in 2014. Chan is also keen in music composition, and has been invited to compose theme songs for his mother school, Hung Hom Government Primary School, the Heartfelt Thanksgiving Concert 2007 organized by the Lok Shing Hospital Ministry, and the Princess Margaret Hospital in celebrating her 35th anniversary. Besides, Chan has been actively involved in various Christian music activities. He contributed in the production of a solo piano hymn album with renowned pianist Madam Nancy Loo and Madam Heidi Lim, before he released his debut Christian hymn album with a theme of patient care and healing in 2010. In 2013, he was the music director of the Heartfelt Thanksgiving Concert. Chan has been actively involved in the participation and promotion of Christian worship music and liturgy. Since 2012, he has served as the worship team vocalist in the joyful noise Xpress (jnX) Worship Ministry, and later established the jnX choir and served as the choir conductor. He was the former President of jnX Worship Ministry (Hong Kong). He completed his Doctoral degree in Worship Studies (D.W.S) at Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies in the United States in 2022, and will be completing his Master degree in Biblical and Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary in the United States in 2023. He has been invited to participate in various church concerts and worship events, such as the "Peace from Heaven" concert organized by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Holy Spirit Church, "Gospel of Mathew Christmas Concert 2022" and "Gospel of John Easter Concert 2023" organized by Ahm Music Ministry, and “Christian Hymn Concert 2023” organized by the Hong Kong Hymn Society, performing as tenor soloist and lead singer. Chan has been invited to organize training workshops in worship music and liturgy in various churches, including Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Holy Spirit Church, Tsing Yi Wai Tsuen Evangelical Church, Evangelical Free Church of China Waterloo Hill Church, and the Salvation Army College of Mission. He has begun his teaching as visiting lecturer in worship studies at Evangel Seminary from 2024.

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Kelly LIEW Li Kien


劉麗娟獲香港演藝學院頒授音樂(榮譽)碩士學位。劉氏在留學期間獲獎無數,其中包括彭博獎學金及天達音樂獎,並獲馮秉芬爵士夫人紀念音樂獎助金資助到美國艾斯本音樂學校和參加音樂節,接受男高音科爾指導。 劉氏曾獲星馬聲樂大賽亞軍及世界華人之聲聲樂大賽表演獎等多個國際獎項,亦曾擔綱演出多部歌劇女主角,包括《怨女幽靈》、《魔笛》及《愛情靈藥》。 劉氏曾任香港演藝學院及香港國際音樂學院聲樂導師,以及香港教師愛樂合唱團指揮,香港歌劇院兒童合唱團及VanNat國際兒童合唱團音樂總監。除指導合唱及教學外,劉氏亦積極參與歌劇及音樂劇製作,近年作品包括《被出賣的新娘》、《村女琳達》、《陪審團的審判》、《完美聖誕》及《油脂》。老師現任香港美聲藝術中心及仰聲合唱音樂總監、江樺合唱團、中華基督教禮賢會元朗堂及中心堂詩班、創世電視:創世之星合唱團,與及萬國宣道詠團指揮。 Ms. Liew obtained her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree of Music with Honours from the Academy for Performing Arts of Hong Kong. She was recipient of many prestigious scholarships including the Bloomberg Scholarship, the Investec Music Prizes. With the grant from the Lady Ivy Fung Memorial Music Fellowship, Liew attended The Aspen Music Festival and School (USA). Ms. Liew, she has won numerous prizes at internationally and local singing competitions, including First Runner-up in the Singapore and Malaysia Vocal Competition, and Performance Prize in International Chinese Vocal Competition. She has performed extensively in many operatic pieces. She performed as the leading soprano in famous operatic pieces such as The Bartered Bride by Smetana, Le Villi by Puccini, Die Zauberflöte by Mozart, L'elisir d'amore by Donizetti. Apart from singing, Ms. Liew is a keen and active producer, conductor, performer, and promoter of musicals. Her opera production as below: Smetana's The Bartered Bride, Donizetti's Linda di Chamounix, W. S. Gilbert's Trial by Jury; and musical production: Perfect Christmas by Stan Pethel, Grease by Jim Jacobs & Warren Casey, and Hong Kong local production. She is an active curator and conductor of musical performances for children and adults in Hong Kong.

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關思嫻現為中文大學音樂文學碩士生。關氏少年時酷愛音樂並跟隨林權旺先生學習古典結他,其後隨劉辦琴女士、王皓璨女士及著名女歌唱家江樺女士研習聲樂,於2010及2011年以優異成績考獲英國聖三一音樂學院ATCL及LTCL演唱文憑,並參與知名歌劇歌唱家康內蒂的大師班。 關思嫻多年來擔任教會詩班及護士合唱團指揮,並帶領護士合唱團參與多個音樂會之演出,包括醫院管理局中樂團於香港文化中心音樂廳舉行之《弦韻飛揚》、《歡樂的日子》、《杏林樂韻表關懷》音樂會,東華三院於香港會議展覽中心展覽廳舉行之《東華四季共鳴145年慈善音樂匯》音樂會;關氏致力推廣音樂教育及培訓,曾多年遠赴東南亞教授指揮及手鈴等音樂課程,現從事聲樂教學,擔任聲樂導師及合唱指揮。 關氏一直積極參與音樂演出,經常於不同音樂會及聖樂會擔任獨唱,曾多次獲邀於亞州室樂團、中文大學崇基合唱團、香港國際音樂學校、結他樂團等音樂會獻唱;並於多套歌劇、音樂劇及選段中擔任不同角色,演出均獲好評,包括《蝴蝶夫人》中的Suzuki、《桑頌與達利拉》中的Delilah、《費加洛的婚禮》中的Cherubino、《魔笛》中的Papagena、《女人皆如是》中的Dorabella、《船夫戀曲》中的Vittoria、《孤星淚》中的Eponine、廣華醫院百年慶典《百載一心》音樂劇中的吳美麗等等。 「關思嫻處理莫扎特«女人皆如此»的<愛情是個小偷>功力深厚,唱腔悅耳……」【亞洲周刋:音樂評論】 Joan KWAN is a master’s student of Arts in Music at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She began music studies of classical guitar with Mr. LAM Keung Wong in her young age. She started taking vocal lessons with Ms. Belinda LIEW, Ms. Alice MUI and renowned Madam Ella KIANG. She obtained ATCL, LTCL singing diplomas in 2010/2011. She had sung in master class by famous opera singer, Marianne Cornetti. Joan has been the conductor of church choir and nurse choir for many years. She led the nurse choir to sing in varies music concerts of《弦韻飛揚》、《歡樂的日子》、《杏林樂韻表關懷》in Concert Hall, The Hong Kong Cultural Centre organized by The Hospital Authority Chinese Orchestra and The TWGHs 145th Anniversary Charity Concert in Exhibition Hall, The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre organized by TWGHs. Joan is most fervent in promoting music education and training. She had been travelled to Southeast Asia to provide music lessons and workshops of choral conducting and handbell for years. She presently is a singing teacher, vocal coach and choir conductor. Joan is active on the concert stage and also appeared as a soloist in a number of concerts and sacred music concerts. She was repeatedly invited by Asian Chamber Orchestra, Chung Chi Choir of CUHK, Guitar Ensemble and Hong Kong International Institute of Music to sing at music concerts. Joan had performed different roles in operas, musicals and opera excerpts with favorable comments received. Examples of roles included Suzuki in Madama Butterfly, Dalila in Samson et Dalila, Cherubino in Le Nozze di Figaro, Papagena in Die Zauberflöte, Dorabella in Così fan tutte, Vittoria in The Gondoliers, Eponine in Les Misérables, 吳美麗in the musical of《百載一心》organized by Kwong Wah Hospital. “There was a great alto aria there, sung exceptional good by Joan KWAN……” 【RTHK4: Arts News】

男中音Caleb Woo胡永正.png



Caleb WOO


男中音胡永正多演唱巴哈的作品及清唱劇:例如《聖約翰受難曲》、《聖馬太受難曲》、《聖馬可受難曲》、《尊主頌》、《B小調彌撒》、《聖誕神曲》以及清唱劇第 4, 6, 21, 22, 30, 38, 47, 56, 62, 70, 78, 80, 82, 92, 94, 102, 125, 131, 139, 147, 158, 182及211部,這些演出機會讓永正能近距離地與畢特、陳子虔、楊欣諾、孫子承等學習。永正亦常參與神曲的獨唱,較多演唱的作品有韓德爾彌賽亞、海頓創世記、莫扎特安魂曲、孟德爾頌以利亞及聖保羅、佛瑞安魂曲、布拉格姆斯安魂曲等,亦讓永正與指揮大師如斯文、里霖、古特文、維勒、歌欣、林望傑、廖國敏、葉詠詩等合作。永正最近亦參演音樂劇場《渴望之書》以及於萊比錫巴赫節中獨唱,較早前主演由香港藝術節所製作葉浩堃創作的《婆婆》及由盧定彰作曲的《兩個女子》、新視野藝術節主辦的歌劇製作《天使之骨》並在2019年北京國際音樂節重演;較早前亦參與由香港藝術節委約作品陳慶恩創作之《蕭紅》及《大同》、亦曾於香港歌劇院、香港都會歌劇院、非凡美樂、Pop Up Production、Silent Opera、香港大歌劇院合作演出劇目如《茶花女》、《天堂與地獄》、《小狐狸》、《波希米亞人》、《芝麻經理人》等。 畢業於伊士曼音樂學院(演唱及文獻研究碩士)。浸會大學一級榮譽畢業生(聲樂演唱及教學 )。 中文大學獲基督教研究文學碩士。 考獲LRSM及ATCL演唱執照及文憑。先後師承劉永生先生、陳晃相先生、Prof. Robert McIver。 現任宣道會屯門堂音樂指導、與香港中文大學及琴.音樂中心任聲樂教師。現任香港嶺南大學黄炳禮音樂及演藝部助理教授、香港教育大學駐校藝術家、香港浸會大學團隊音樂事工主任及香港大學室內合唱團指揮。現為美國聲樂教師協會會員及香港分會創會主席及現任副主席。 Lyric Baritone Caleb Woo was granted chances to perform many Bach vocal works, such as St John Passion, St Matthew Passion, St. Mark Passion, Magnificat, Christmas Oratorio, B minor Mass, Cantata 4, 6, 21, 22, 30, 38, 47, 56, 62, 70, 78, 80, 82, 92, 94, 102, 125, 131, 139, 147, 158, 182 and 211 in these few years, which brought him to perform under the baton of John Butt, David Chin, Felix Yeung and Felix Shuen which enhanced his understanding of early music. The Performances of Oratorio such as Handel’s Messiah, Israel in Egypt, Hadyn’s The Creation, Mozart’s Requiem, Mendelssohn’s St. Paul’sand Elijah, Faure’s Requiem, Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem which brought Caleb to collaborate with Christopher Seaman, Helmuth Reiling, Paul Goodwin, William Weinert, Johnathan Cohen, Jahja Ling, Lio Kuokman and Yip Wing-sie. Caleb also participates in Opera productions, recently he participated in musical theatre work The Book of Longings by Philip Glass and Leonard Cohen, as well as soloing in BachFest Leipzig; He performed as the title role in the Hong Kong Arts Festival’s production of Por Porby Austin Yip, Women like Us by Daniel Lo, the award-winning Opera Angel’s Bone produced by the New Vision Arts Festival and the Beijing Music Festival; original Operas composed by Chan Hin-yan, the Heart of Coral and Datong which were commissioned by the Hong Kong Arts Festival as well as Opera Hong Kong, Hong Kong City Opera, Musica Viva, Pop up Production, Silent Opera, Hong Kong Grand Opera, putting up La Traviata, Orphee aux enfers, La Bohéme, Vixen, L’impresario in Angustieand to name a few. Caleb graduated with the Master of Music degree in Voice Performance and Literature at Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, New York. Caleb holds degrees from the Hong Kong Baptist University including the Bachelor of Arts degree in Voice Performance and Pedagogy in 2006 with first class honor as well as the Social Science degree in China-Studies in 2003. Master of Arts degree in Christian Studies from the Chung-Chi Divinity School, Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007. ATCL diploma and LRSM diploma in 2005 and 2009 respectively. His voice teachers include Prof. Robert McIver, Mr. Jimmy Chan and Mr. Sanson Lau. Now serving as the Music director of Tuen Mun Alliance Church and Voice Instructor at Music Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Qin Music. He is also serving as an assistant professor at WongBing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit, Lingnan University, resident artist of the Education University of Hong Kong, Co-ordinator of Ensemble Music Ministries in the Hong Kong Baptist University and conductor of The University of Hong Kong Chamber Singers. Elected as a Member of National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) and founding president and a current vice-president of the Hong Kong Chapter. Caleb is devoting himself into promoting healthy vocalism and the ability appreciating the beauty of voice as creation.